It was found that SPV showed two peaks at 390 nm ( P1) and 480 nm ( P2) in the ultraviolet-visible region, and they are opposite in phase. 结果表明,在较高真空度条件下,该化合物有两类不同的表面光电压响应峰,分别位于390nm(P1)和480nm(P2)。
If two MZMs are driven by the same RF signal, when they are respectively biased at the opposite transmission slopes, the optical output signals in phase inversion will generate negative coefficient microwave photonic filter. 如果使用相同的射频信号驱动两个工作在相反斜率偏置点的MZM,它们输出光信号的相位正好相反,这样可实现负系数微波光子滤波器。
As for the Asia-Pacific region, the East Asia is weaker, an anticyclone hovers over the West tropical Pacific, and the PNA teleconnection develops over East Pacific-North America in El Nino phase; and opposite in La Nina phase. 就亚太地区而言,在ELNino位相,东亚大槽减弱,热带西太平洋为反气旋性异常环流控制;东太平洋-北美地区PNA遥相关型发展。在LaNina位相情况相反。